2020 Silver Linings
General Trending Topics LifestyleThere aren’t too many years in history like 2020 — lucky us, right? We’ve all experienced tumultuous ups and downs and had every piece of life altered. From how we conduct business to the way our kids learn, and even how we interact with our family and friends. An unpredictable wave of hardship entered our lives and forced a lot of change in a short period.
But sometimes in life’s darkest moments, unexpected silver linings emerge. We aren’t asking you to forget or downplay the difficulties this year has brought. But let's focus on other surprising moments or hidden blessings that have come from this time.
Now, the silver linings of 2020: What are the positives? What came out of this year? Let’s get down to it.
The art of self-reflection
As we’ve learned how to navigate our new normal, we can put more time into practicing self-reflection. Through lockdown and social distancing, whether we like it or not, we’ve had some extra time on our hands.
Throughout this process, we can take a step back and understand what is important in life. Perhaps you found ways to cut unnecessary work, streamline daily processes or carved out time in your day to care for things that matter most to you.
The value of self-reflection during these uncertain times is invaluable. It has been a time for development and growth.
Forced adaptability and found resilience
2020 has shown us that we can adapt in unyielding situations and we are far more resilient than what we thought. Who knew that you could survive months living with your in-laws? Or how impossible did it seem to start working remotely full time?
But you’re here — you not only survived, you thrived. The ability to overcome the unthinkable shows how strong we are and the potential that’s within us. Look what you’ve accomplished having everything around you come tumbling down. Imagine what is possible when the world is back up on its feet.
The ability to innovate
Science is working at a rate never seen before to create a vaccine for COVID-19. While science is innovating, so are you. In a matter of a week, the world went from 9-5 in an office to 24 hours a day at home. You’ve been able to adapt and discover new ways to make your workday not just functional, but exceptional.
Strengthened sense of community
The lockdown allowed many to spend more quality time with family and loved ones. Having trivia night on Zoom or family dinners around the table allows us to foster relationships with people we care about most.
We are all in this together, and the pandemic highlights that. It allows us to rekindle lost relationships or nurture the stable ones we have. 2020 emphasized the importance of community and highlighted the most important relationships.
A new emphasis on mental and physical health
Since you’ve been working from home, how many times have you stepped away from your desk to walk around the block? Or actually, taken a lunch break? Or ended the day at 5 pm (or dare we say 4:30 pm)?
Time away from the office puts a greater emphasis on the importance of work/life balance - a term people often brush aside. Employers dedicate time and resources to focus on the mental wellbeing of their employees. Mental health has been a taboo subject in the past. We now see how mental wellbeing correlates with work performance and employee happiness.
Evaluating the positives of 2020
Take a minute to sit down and reflect on the outcomes so far this year. The coronavirus caused significant changes, and can bring an overwhelming amount of stress.
Was there a global pandemic that shut down the world? Sure - but what did you gain? More time with family, a stronger sense of self, and the confidence that you can overcome adversity. Even when it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
What are your 2020 Silver Linings?
To living your ideal life,
Michelle & The Paradigm Team
P.S. Take control of your financial planning for the rest of 2020 with one of our leaders at Paradigm Advisors. Learn more and schedule a call here.
Paradigm Advisors is a fee-only financial planning firm based in Dallas, Texas and Fayetteville, Arkansas. Paradigm Advisors provides comprehensive financial planning and investment management services to help clients organize, grow and protect their wealth throughout life’s journey. Paradigm specializes in advising young professionals and entrepreneurs in the early stages of life and well-established career executives through financial planning and investment management. As a fee-only fiduciary and independent financial advisor, Paradigm never receives commission of any kind. Paradigm is legally bound by certification to provide unbiased and trustworthy financial advice.